Mrs. Burke:
I am excited to be starting my 5th year here at OSMS and my 8th year with the Oneida City School District as a school counselor. I spent my first 3 years at Willard Prior Elementary school, split a year at WP and OSMS, and then became full time at OSMS! I love working with students of all ages, and enjoy getting to know all of the students here at OSMS. I am the National Junior Honor Society Advisor as well! I am an Oneida graduate and have two young children, ages 7 and 4, a husband, and 2 cats! I look forward to meeting all the incoming 6th graders and working with everyone!
Mrs. Malgieri:
I am very excited to start my 19th school year in the Oneida City School District as a school counselor. I spent the first 6 years in Oneida at OHS and then moved to OSMS. I really enjoy working with middle school students and I believe OSMS is a great place to be. I have three teenage children and a husband, as well as Loki, the therapy dog, two rescue dogs and a cat.
Is a 4 year old golden-doodle who was gifted to OSMS in 2019. His name was voted on by the students at OSMS. He lives with Mrs. Malgieri and his dog sisters, Sadie and Scarlett, as well as the human Malgieri family. His hobbies include being petted by hundreds of OSMS students, getting treats from teachers/students, sleeping and going for walks. He hangs out in the counseling office and generally is in the building two days/week.
Mrs. Nash:
I am excited to be back at OSMS! I have been a school social worker for 22 years and spent my first 18 years working through BOCES splitting my time between OSMS and Stockbridge Valley. I then worked at Morrisville and Stockbridge for the nest 4 years before returning full time to OSMS last December. Throughout my years as a social worker I have had the opportunity to work with all grade levels and middle school students have always been my favorite to work with, especially at OSMS! At home I have a husband, three kids, one in college, one in high school and one in middle school. I also have 2 cats, 2 dogs and a bearded dragon!